The Role of a School Counsellor in Supporting Student Success: A Comprehensive Guide
21st August 2023
Every student is unique and they have different ways of learning and achieving success in different fields of life as well. It’s the responsibility and role of a school counsellor to understand every student individually to help them to achieve success academically. Explore our informative guide to gain more insights. ...
Written By : Abhishek
School Absenteeism And School Refusal Behaviour In Students: A Matter Of Concern
11th August 2023
A deeper understanding of the importance of student behavior and school climate can help enhance students' academic performance. The wider acceptance schools have in understanding school refusal behavior, the more nurturing the students will be. Here is everything you need to know about the indicators of student engagement, behavior climate, and everything else that is associated with a learner's well-being. ...
Written By : Sanjana
Classroom Intervention Strategies For Teachers: Enhancing Student Learning And Progress
28th July 2023
Every school's success depends on the academic success of every student. Every student is born different with different abilities, it’s a teacher's responsibility to understand every student's needs and help them to succeed. Explore our informative guide, to gain more insights. ...
Written By : Abhishek
5 Challenges You May Encounter As A Teacher Counsellor
18th July 2023
Being a teacher is challenging in itself and when it is paired with the role of a counselor, they sometimes lose their positivity. And when you lose motivation and interest in the job that you do, it can be a breeding ground for a lot of issues. Thus, to prevent you from going astray from your passions, here are some of the limitations of a teacher as a counselor that you must overcome to do your job better. ...
Written By : Sanjana
5 Basic Differences Between Teaching And Counselling
3rd July 2023
Both teachers and counselors have an essential role to play in a child's life. While teachers can learn and assess a student's performance, counselors understand the skills, interests, and abilities a student possesses. Thus, teachers as counselors should understand the basic differences between the two job roles and play their part accordingly. Read on for more. ...
Written By : Sanjana
Guide Your Students Toward The Right Path And Make A World Of Difference!
16th June 2023
In today’s high school, a school counselor has many roles to fulfill. As students need guidance in a number of areas, it is the counselor's responsibility to guide them including which career paths to explore, which courses to take, and how to manage their physical and mental health. Read on to learn how you can help your student maneuver complicated social situations. ...
Written By : Sanjana