Role of 21st Century Teacher as a Disciplinarian

24th April 2020


The word discipline somewhat appears negative. However, the goal of using discipline remains to teach learners about the boundaries and limits to help them achieve personal, academic and practical life goals. Discipline happens to be one of the basic requirements for a successful teaching learning process and also is often the subject of concern for teachers. Discipline is seen as a way to mould or shape the behaviour of a child to make him/her aware of the acceptable behaviour. Teaching profess ...

Handling Conduct Disorder through Counselling

16th April 2020


Conduct disorder is a serious behavioural and emotional disorder that occurs when children display a pattern of disruptive and violent behaviour and engage in antisocial behaviours. These children have trouble following rules, and struggle to show empathy to others, threatening theirs and others safety as well. Most childhood conduct disorders become apparent by age 10, Jeff Cochran said, although signs can begin to appear as early as five years of age. Signs of Conduct Disorder Common sig ...

Family Plays a Major Role in Counselling

9th April 2020


Family is the basic structure and an important connection that humans have with each other. Family members are often the first to recognize any behavioural changes that arise with adolescence problem and related behavioural issues and can help him/her in getting connected with their teachers or school counselling services. Recent times are seeing an increase in such issues as a result of growing academic pressure, complications in relationship with parents, teachers and peers as well as adjustin ...

How can counselling help to overcome fear in the classroom

2nd April 2020


Fear is a common feeling that often occurs when a person feels that he/she is in danger. Fear only becomes a problem in the person’s life when the response to fear activates often and according to a study almost 50% of children in the age group of 6 to 12 years have many fears and concerns. A child can be afraid to go to school or attend any particular class for various reasons. Some may be valid reasons like being bullied by a classmate or something as common as the fear of failure, for i ...

Behaviourism is a Tool for Effective Classroom Management

26th March 2020


Why do you think the teachers need to apply Behaviourism Theory in classroom? The answer lies in the fact that, behaviourism works wonders if applied in the right manner. It provides a set of clear guidelines and easy to understand cause-and-effect relationships and improves student performance and classroom behaviour that interfere with a learner’s academic goals. It is beneficial in enumerating responses to subjective issues and encourages objective and measurable metrics that provi ...

Listening and Communication Skills are essential for School Counsellors

19th March 2020


The duty of a school counsellor is no more limited to just setting up student schedule and administering placement and academic evaluation tests. They are considered as a crucial part of educational leadership who can create a huge impact on the acceleration and the enhancement of learning. There is no doubt that in order to be an effective counsellor, they should possess certain skills and also enjoy the process of providing help and guidance to students. A counsellor should have the capability ...